The business came about quite by chance. After discovering I had mediumistic abilities, a friend asked if I would help a young girl terrorized in her home by the paranormal. My reply was, “I’m not sure if I can help, but I will try”. I was able to help, and cleared the home of the angry male spirit with mediumship and what I call “spiritual counseling”. From there, people continued to come forth, looking for help, searching for peace. Having lived in a home with activity since the year 2000, I felt for all those people.

And so, the business was born.

As I became busier, I needed this page to educate people about the business’ purpose and methods. If we were finding this many in need just from word of mouth, then how many more were out there? And could we reach them through social media?

Along the way, I have picked up other team members. Members who have gone through similar issues in their own homes and lives. They too, empathized with the plight of people coming to us for help. They too wanted to help, each in their own way.

Amanda is our evp expert. She has an extensive array of paranormal gear and does the evp editing. Charlene is a Reiki Master, using reiki to create boundaries. She also dowses and maps ley lines. Bobbie and her husband Ryan are investigators and have brought us many cases. Sharon is an intuitive consultant, using her many modalities and vast experience to map vortexes and ley lines at locations. Jim and Dan are our photography experts. Both are amazing amateur photographers with an keen eye for debunking images. 

Depending on what is needed at each point in the investigation for each location, a client may see all of us, or one of us. And when further help is needed in certain cases, I call in other specialists. On one really bad case, a client and her family had to be blessed by a minister. But I digress. The group has evolved from just me. And it will continue to evolve as the needs of clients’ change, and with each case’s unique needs.

Regardless, we endeavor to help those afflicted as we once were.

And we will continue to do so.

House Clearing “101

When I am asked to perform a house clearing, or a “walk” of someone’s home, a sit down meeting is usually in order. Many times, people are experiencing activity and simply want it to end. Others want to know what or who haunts their house and the history of what has transpired there, before making any decisions. Sometimes I will bring a colleague with me – usually I intuitively know their expertise is needed.

There is a lot more information now-a-days on mediumship, that people are privy to – especially on t.v. However, not all mediums are “created equally”. Simply put, we can each have differing abilities at our disposal. Therefore, I sit down with the homeowner, and explain to them how I get my information. If the client wants to be involved in my “walk”, I can give them feedback as we go, and they can more easily understand what is occurring.

Secondly, I find out what the issue is, and what they are hoping can be done about it. Some just want the place cleared because they are scared to death. Others are curious and want to know more. And there are always questions as they attempt to understand the what is going on – and why. If I haven’t performed an “opening” of my chakras before arriving, then I do it now. This allows me to be open to receive energy.

Some clients choose not to be present in the home while I do this. Others will walk with me. Some just putter around the house while I go about my business. I usually begin in the basement and work my way up, room by room, including storage areas/closets. I often use psychometry on existing structures to gain history of the location. That involves laying a hand on an object to interact with its energy. It tells a tale of what happened with that object or within the space.

Sometimes there are conscious entities that will approach me immediately, as they’ve been waiting to cross over for some time and are desperate to leave. Others may want to complain about their lives, or may be afraid to cross over. Residual energy can also be present, imprinted in the very fabric of the location. It replays like a movie.

There can be family members, in spirit, at a location as well. They may have chosen to stay near their living loved ones or to watch over a home they still love. I have met homeowners’ spirit guides while doing this as well. And then there are the negative beings. These are the ones that have a different agenda altogether. The ones who potentially were never human and have bad intentions. This, however, is a rare occurrence.

When I’m done – and this can take anywhere from an hour to a couple of hours depending on the size of the house, land, and outbuildings – I sit down once again with the home owner and any family members who are involved. I have returned at later dates, on occasion, to meet with family that weren’t able to be present initially. I explain what I encountered and answer any questions.

If they wish, I move on the “easier” entities who already wish to leave. If there is more work to be done, I come back at a later time. The more negative entities can be more stubborn and time-consuming. Sometimes there are things the home owner can do themselves. And on rare occurrences, other professionals need to be brought in to clear and cleanse the space.

I am always “on-call” after the fact. Clients have contacted me with questions, or needing further assistance from time to time, when a new occurrence has cropped up.. I am always happy to help, and to share information as needed. My goal is to give the client their home back, peaceful and free of activity.

A peaceful home is a happy home.

Heather Rann

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